World of darkness vampire weaknesses
World of darkness vampire weaknesses

world of darkness vampire weaknesses

He has a constant need for human blood, a need that he does his best to satisfy through the use of serums rather than taking human victims. Morbius also possesses some traditional vampire weaknesses. Morbius can sometimes infect his victims with "pseudo-vampirism," though this only happens in rare cases. He also has a Wolverine-like healing factor that allows him to recover from otherwise fatal wounds. He possesses superhuman strength and speed, limited flight and the ability to hypnotize others.

world of darkness vampire weaknesses

Though Morbius isn't a vampire in the traditional, supernatural sense, he has many of the same abilities. But even so, his dark side always threatens to consume him. He's proven himself a hero many times over, both as an ally of Spider-Man and a member of teams like the Midnight Sons. Despite the cruel hand life has dealt him, Morbius does his best to use his knowledge and his vampiric abilities for good.

World of darkness vampire weaknesses